Wolfram U

Modeling & Simulation

Improve your understanding of modeling and simulation of cyber-physical systems with the use of an intuitive drag-and-drop interface and a large selection of model libraries. Learn to build industrial-strength, multidomain models of complete systems with the help of Wolfram Language for analyzing, understanding and quickly iterating system designs.

These courses walk you through the tools available in Wolfram Language and, in particular, Wolfram System Modeler for modeling and simulation.

Upcoming Events

  • May 21 | Online

    Advancing Engineering Research and Teaching with Wolfram Language

    Find out how you can leverage our ready-to-use automated machine learning and signal processing toolkit to elevate your engineering research workflow. Dr. Gerald H. Thomas, an engineer and professor, will show real-world examples that use the Wolfram System for engineering education.

  • Jun 24–Jul 12 | Online

    Daily Study Group: Introduction to Electric Circuits

    Explore the fundamentals of electric circuits using Wolfram Language and System Modeler. User-friendly diagrams, visualizations and models help to demonstrate, in an intuitive way, how electric circuits behave. Topics include circuit components, theoretical concepts, analysis methods, and analysis and design of circuits using operational amplifiers.